Career Development

Things to Do When Transferring to a New Job

Changing jobs is never easy. Your last few weeks at your current job are spent saying goodbye to coworkers, emailing people outside the company you want to stay in touch with, and, of course, finishing up any work you have on hand.

And all of this work needs to be done before you start your new job. As with most things, you’ll want to let those around you know about this change right away. You’ll be spending your final weeks at your current job and new Follow our five essential tips to make your first weeks on the job as easy as possible.

What should you do when moving to a new job?

1) Announce your departure on the last day

On your last day of your current job, share a status update on professional networks like LinkedIn and Xing stating that you are moving on to a new job, thanking you for the experience you gained at your current job.

Try to keep these types of social interactions to a minimum on your first day at your new job; after all, you don’t want to be working or heading out to lunch while responding to congratulatory messages without looking up from your phone.

The same goes for the internal memo you send on your last day to inform people who may not have known you were leaving. Emails This is also a great opportunity to show your professionalism to your soon-to-be former colleagues. You’ll leave them with a beautiful memory to remember.

2) Do not speak badly about your previous employer.

As unbearable as it is to speak negatively about a company you just left, remember that our comments in the virtual and ‘real’ worlds follow us for a long time. The last thing you want to do is leave a bad impression on your previous company.After all, people change jobs frequently and you may end up working with the same people again.

To avoid the same situation happening in your new job, keep your ideas to yourself and use them as a reference to fix things that went wrong.

3) Have a mentor

Now is the time to establish a mentoring relationship with a respected colleague from your former company. They will be surprised and pleased that you are consulting with them. You can learn a lot from an experienced colleague through a mentoring relationship. Moreover, your professional relationship with them will be strengthened in the long run.

This can also give you a glimpse into your new company, albeit a little ahead of time. After all, you’ll be learning for the first 90 days, so don’t make it any harder.

4)Determine your goals for your first weeks

Be sure to set goals with your new team that need to be accomplished in the first few weeks on the job. These goals could be learning a new product, getting certified in a program you will use, or simple proficiency skills.

This will help you quickly understand your new team and role, and show your new colleagues how serious you are about rolling up your sleeves to achieve the right goals.

5)Have fun!

Maybe you left your previous job because it was stressful, or you didn’t like your job, or more likely you just didn’t get along with management. Remember, you’re taking this opportunity because you want a change. So, Embrace your new job and enjoy it!

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