Career Development

Don’t be afraid of chaos, improve yourself by nourishing yourself

Before writing some articles, I think about the title more than the content and I usually write a title by pulling out standard, uncreative things. But this is not the case for this article, because I am sharing with you my stance on life and the biggest advice I give to my close circle and employees; “feed on chaos!”

Don’t be afraid of chaos, dominate it!

Living with stress

I was ignoring such an important issue and not sharing about it. Actually, I hadn’t thought of sharing it because it was at the center of my life. If you ask where it came to my mind to write about it; while I was browsing here and there on the internet, I came across the American “Abraham Twerski” who works as a psychologist at the Center for Substance Abusers after a long time. And I said yes! The subject of my next article is as important as breathing and is constantly being ignored and we try to escape from it.stress” should be.

Stress The information you can generally get from your research on the subject will be “it is bad for the heart, it causes early death, avoid stress, stay away from it like you stay away from the three whites” etc. Those who say these are wrong! Yes, I agree with the part about it affecting body functions and stirring up hormones, even though my anatomical knowledge is not sufficient, but there is also a step to psychologically turn this hormonal turmoil to our advantage.

Turn bad moments into your advantage

If I were to summarize the part about turning the situation to my advantage; throughout my life, whenever I lost 1, I immediately won 3. Of course, it would be wrong to interpret this as gambling table greed. I am talking about my social life and business life. In chaotic environments that occur due to mistakes I made or external reasons; I identify the source of the problem, find what the solution could be and when everything falls into place in my mind, I take action. In other words, if we give ourselves a break and then take action, without covering up our mistake with a mistake, we can turn the chaos to our advantage with our magnificent analysis using a brain where our attention level is at the highest level.

And let’s not forget that, After the war is over, not only the wreckage is found, but there is also loot somewhere.. Our main concern here is not to remain under the rubble, but to have the strength to stand and collect the spoils. If there is an environment of chaos, our attention and alertness increases accordingly. In an environment of chaos, when all conditions are in our favor, unfortunately it is again us and the decisions we make in the moment, without even thinking about them for a second, that turn them against us.

The absence of stress means death of the nervous system.

Eustress (Beneficial stress)

It reminded me of the stress factor to write this article. Abraham TwerskyGoing back to , let me also share his wonderful talk about stress.

The Lobster’s Growth Story

Lobsters actually have a soft, mushy body. As such, they live inside shells that are extremely hard to break and never expand.

As the lobster continues to grow, the shell it lives in begins to become narrow and begins to squeeze the lobster. At this stage, the lobster, feeling under intense pressure and stress, retreats to a rock bottom to protect itself from predators and fights relentlessly to break its shell, which causes stress. After a long struggle, it breaks its shell and after a while, a new, larger shell forms. Naturally, the lobster continues to grow and develop, and after a while, its new shell begins to become narrow and begins to stress the lobster again. The lobster finds another rock bottom, breaks its shell with difficulty, and emerges from it, forming a new shell.

This happens many times throughout the lobster’s life. The lobster’s renewal and development begins with it feeling uncomfortable and stressed, and continues with its change. The only stimulus needed for the lobster to develop is the discomfort that comes with the shrinking of its shell. The moral of the lobster’s life story is that moments of distress and stress are a stimulus for development, and can be turned into an opportunity for growth.

I would also like to add the part I liked most from Twerski’s speech;

The trigger that allows a lobster to grow is that it feels uncomfortable. If lobsters had doctors, they would never grow. Because if a lobster felt uncomfortable, it would immediately go to the doctor, the doctor would give it antidepressants, and the lobster would feel better. Lobsters that were relaxed under the influence of the drug would never shed their shells and would never grow.

Abraham Twersky

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